Spain NIE Fiscal Identity Number

Spanish Fiscal Identity Number

Assistance in obtaining your NIE number

We offer two services:

  • NIE  visiting our office in Madrid
  • NIE if you are unable to travel

Through a visit

You will sign a Power of Attorney with a Notary.

This is a specific notarial protocol which is used for this purpose, and we prefer you to use this document as it is very familiar to the Police.

This Power only gives us:

  • Authority to complete the application form
  • Authority to present the application form, and a legalised copy of your passport to the Police
  • and authority to collect the number and your personal certificate, once the number is issued

If you are unable to visit

If visiting Spain is not possible you can sign a dual language version of the Power of Attorney, which we draft for you, for use with a notary in your home country. The notary will witness your signature, and send the notarial document and your identity document to be apostilled or legalised for use in Spain.

This Power then gives us:

  • Authority to complete the application form
  • Authority to present the application form, which is accompanied by the Power of Attorney
  • and authority to collect the number and your personal certificate, once the number is issued

How we can help get your NIE Number

You can get the NIE number by three methods:

  • Applying directly to the Police Commisariat in Spain, this takes up to 60 days to process. You need to apply by completing a form, wait for notification that the NIE number is ready and then collect the document, or give us a Power of Attorney to collect it on your behalf
  • Applying through a Spanish Consulate outside Spain. You need to complete the form, and lodge it in person at the Consulate. Notification that the document is ready will be sent to an address you nominate in Spain. You must then collect the document, or give us a Power of Attorney to collect it on your behalf. This process officially takes 60 days to process from major Consulates
  • Allowing us to apply, through a Power of Attorney, which allows us to apply on your behalf. This is our preferred procedure

Why should you give us a Power of Attorney to apply on your behalf?

  • Many application forms are rejected by the Police for technicalities. If we complete the form, it is not likely to be rejected
  • We can also use the Power of Attorney , to apply for an emergency number on your behalf. This process takes only two or three day,  enabling you to sign the notarial deed very quickly after starting the process
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