Slovakian Company Incorporation Guidance

Slovakia Key Points

  • Time – 2 weeks to incorporate your company
  • Directors – only one director of any nationality, is necessary for your company
  • Shareholders – only one shareholder of any nationality, is required
  • Share Capital – the minimum share capital requirements of €6,600
  • Share Capital – minimum share capital contribution per shareholder of €1000
  • Tax – low profit tax rate of 19%
  • Support – using our 20 years experience we guide you throughout every step of the company formation process

Company Name

Your company name can be in any language as long as the relevant translation is approved first. Certain words are prohibited such as names suggesting the patronage of any Government or country. The name approval process takes less than thirty minutes, and a name may be reserved for 10 days. Your company name will need to use the following suffix, s.r.o to show that this is a limited liability company.


  • Members of the EU or OECD or a Slovakian resident may easily become a director.
  • Non-EU or OECD nationals will have to be reviewed before incorporation.
  • Directors may reside anywhere.
  • Only one director is required.
  • There is no requirement to appoint a local resident director.


  • Members of the EU or OECD or a Slovakian resident may easily become a shareholder.
  • Non-EU or OECD nationals will have to be reviewed before incorporation.
  • Shareholders may reside anywhere.
  • Only one shareholder is required. This can be the same person as the director.
  • Total number of shareholders will not exceed 50
  • Nominee shareholders are allowed. Formacompany can provide this service.
  • The shareholder can be a person or a corporation.

Share capital

The minimum share capital requirement is SKK200,000 (€6,600) and the minimum investment per shareholder is SKK30,000 (€1000). Separate classes of shares with different rights to dividends are permitted, subject only to any restrictions in the company’s Articles of Association.

Key features of a Slovakian s.r.o:

Some of the major advantages of incorporating a Slovakian s.r.o are:

  • Asset protection
  • Low profit tax rate in Slovakia (19 %)
  • Limited liability – perfect to secure high risk projects
  • The separation between private and company assets
  • Long company lifetime
  • No risk of company dissolution when an associate withdraws
  • Easily expands (new investment or loan)
  • No public health-care or social fund contribution need from profit
  • Legally approved to open branches in all EU member states
  • Company can form subsidiary corporations in order to optimize profit
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