Poland Company Registration

Poland Company Registration

Poland Key Points

  • Time – 3-4 weeks to incorporate your company
  • Directors – only one director of any nationality, is necessary for your company
  • Shareholders – only one shareholder of any nationality, is required
  • Shareholders – may be individuals or corporate bodies
  • Share Capital – the share capital requirement is only €1250
  • Support – using our 20 years experience we guide you throughout every step of the company formation process
  • You must register your company for VAT – We can supply you with this


The name of your Polish company, should contain the suffix spólka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia or, the abbreviation spólka z o.o. or sp. z o.o to denote Limited Liability.

Share Capital

The minimum share capital of a Polish limited liability is PLN 5,000 (appx €1250). and the lowest permitted value of a single share is PLN 50 (appx €12). Shares in a limited liability company are rights, not securities, which means that share certificates are not issued. Payment of the share capital by the shareholders is required in order to establish your limited liability company.

Management Board

The company must have a Management Board, which may consist of one or more members. Under Polish law, only individuals and not corporate bodies can be members of the Management Board. There are no restrictions on the nationality or domicile of the Management Board.

For practical reasons, it is advisable to have at least one person authorised to represent the company available in Poland for signatures and declarations. As a general rule, if the Management Board consists of more than one person, the company is represented by two members of the Management Board acting jointly or by one member acting jointly with a commercial proxy. The Deed of Association can provide for representation by one member of the Management Board.

Company REGON Number

We obtain your REGON (Rejestr urzedowy podmiotw Gospodarki Narodowej) number from the statistical office (Urzad Statystyczny).

The Region number is obtained prior to registration of your Company at the National Court Register, and within 14 days of the notarial deed.

This number is unique to your company and identifies your company’s business sector, as well other details.

Register for VAT

A Polish company is required to register for the purposes of VAT within 20 days of starting its business activity, and must have a bank account in place. The VAT registration is submitted to the Tax Office and includes: your company name and legal form, REGON number, date of commencement of its business activity and registered office address in Poland.

If your Company is planning to conduct foreign trade activities within the European Union in the future, it should register as a VAT EU taxpayer. The Company should submit an application for registration as the VAT EU taxpayer before commencing its foreign trade activity within European Union. However, it should be noted that prior to registration as the VAT EU taxpayer, the Company should be registered as a regular VAT taxpayer.

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