Starting a Business in Malta – IHC Company Guidance

Malta Key Points

  • Time – 1 week to incorporate your company
  • Directors – only one director of any nationality is required
  • Secretary – a company secretary is required
  • Shareholders – two shareholder required who may be either individuals or corporate bodies
  • Share Capital – the share capital requirement is €1,200
  • Support – using our 20 years experience we guide you throughout every step of the company formation process

The incorporation of a Maltese company usually takes up to a week. Once the Maltese Registrar of Companies has all necessary documentation and information, the process may take as little as 24 hours.

Share Capital

A IHC company has a minimum authorised share capital of €1,200 and this should be fully paid-up.

Capital & Financial Information

Your Maltese company does not have to keep records in Malta, except for the Register of Shareholders and the Register of Directors.

Financial Statements need to be lodged with the tax authorities in Malta and with the Company Registry. The accounts of the company need to be audited.

Advantages to Incorporating your IHC

The Incorporation of Maltese International Holding Companies offers many advantages:

  • IHC’s hold shares and/or receive royalties and interest from other companies
  • IHC’s pay no tax on dividends received from a participating holding
  • IHC’s pay a low tax rate of on royalties or interests received
  • No withholding tax on the distribution of dividends from the IHC
  • Conformant with EU & OECD standards
  • Annual audited accounts are submitted to the Inland Revenue Dept
  • No Withholding Taxes on the distribution of dividends
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