Florida Employment Identification Number (EIN)

An Employer Identification Number is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number and is used to identify a Florida business entity. The Employer Identification Number is a nine digit number assigned to Corporations for tax filing and reporting purposes.

The information you provide will establish your business tax account.


We are able to assist you in obtaining the EIN number for your Florida company.

You must provide a statement that contains:

  • Confirmation that the company is doing business in the U.S.
  • The location of the company’s U.S. operations.
  • The name(s) and U.S. address(es) of the company’s U.S. representatives.
  • If the company is not doing business in the US, we will need a letter stating the reason why it is needed. If the EIN is for the purpose of opening a bank account we will need documentation from the bank requesting the EIN as a requirement.

The purpose of having this information before assisting in obtaining an EIN is based upon recent restrictions imposed by the IRS and other governmental agencies. As the Inland Revenue Service informs us, the purpose or intent of any company in securing a U.S. EIN is that the company plans to or is conducting business in the U.S. and will be filing a U.S. tax return.

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