We can assist with the incorporation of a Dominican Republic company. The most common company structure is the Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada S.R.L. (Limited Liability Company). This company type is similar to that of an Ltd in the UK and GmbH in German.

Company Structures Company Law (“Ley de Sociedades”) governs company formation in the Dominican Republic. The law imposes few capital requirements, but unlike some countries, Dominican companies are subjected to the same tax treatment regardless of structure.

Dominican Republic company formation nameCompany Name

The company name must be unique and not deceptively similar to any other company registered in Dominican Republic. We are able to conduct a company name check to ensure your proposed company name will be approved by the Dominican Republic authorities.

company formation registered officeRegistered Office

Any company registered in the Dominican Republic must hold a registered office. This is where official company documents will be served and also where the company shareholders and directors must be kept. We can provide this service.

Dominican Republic Incorporation directorDirectors

There is no requirement for a Dominican resident director, directors can be of any nationality. As a Director you will be required to provide your full name, nationality, occupation, marital status, address and a copy of your passport.

Dominican Republic company formation shareholderShareholders

In order to incorporate a Dominican Republic SRL there is a minimum of two shareholders required. Shareholders can be of any nationality.

Dominican Republic company formation share capitalShare Capital

Minimum share capital investment of 100,000 Dominican pesos approx. US$2,700 is required to incorporate a SRL.

Dominican Republic company formation feesDominican Republic Company Formation Fees

We offer an all inclusive Dominican Republic Company Incorporation Service

Dominican Republic – SRL / EIRL Company Incorporation

  • Reserving your Company Name
  • Liaising with the local registrar and relevant authorities
  • Structuring the company as per your requirements
  • Prepare your Company Registration Forms
  • Drafting the Articles of Association / Statutes
  • File the documents with the Companies Registry
  • Nominee Directors – required for incorporation
  • Powers of Attorney – including notarisation
  • Registration with Tax Authorities
  • Payment of Taxes on Incorporation
  • Initial Government licence fee payable on incorporation
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Issue of shares and production of Share Certificates
  • All documents and certificates supplied in a professional folder
  • Delivery of documents by FedEx / DHL courier
Additional Services
Notary Fee£400
Company Administration & Registered Office (required)£600
Annual Renewal Fees
Corporate Administrative

  • Provision of the Registered Office and Registered Agent in the Dominican Republic
  • Compliance with local domicile requirements
  • Ensuring that your Company is kept in good standing through payment of Annual Government Fee and filing of annual documents
Director Register Maintenance£175

The company will be incorporated using your chosen name and we ensure that the procedure is as simple for our clients as possible.

The whole incorporation process can be arranged online and we will administer the preparation and filing of all registration forms on your behalf.

Upon receipt of the filing confirmation from the Companies Registry, we will email you with the incorporation details and then forward the premium binder containing all the official certificates and documentation.

Dominican Republic company incorporation timescaleTimescale

Once we have received all the necessary information and documentation, including identification documents for the director and shareholders, the incorporation process will be completed in three to six weeks.

Dominican Republic company incorporation proofDue Diligence

As part of our due diligence, we require proof of identity in the form of a passport copy for all directors and shareholders of the company.

Dominican Republic Company formation travelTravel

There is no requirement to visit the Dominican Republic to complete the incorporation.

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