Company not in Good Standing

A company is deemed not to be in ‘Good Standing’ if it is in breach of filing requirements.

If your company has not paid or filed the annual government licence fee and/or the registered agent fee then, your company will not be in good standing.

In order to maintain full asset protection, your company must be in good standing with the Companies Registry at all times.

If your company is not in Good Standing please contact us and we can assist you in filing the documents to bring your company into Good Standing.

The procedure to bring the company back into Good Standing – varies between jurisdictions.

Generally the non-payment of annual renewal fees will make your offshore company lose its status of good standing, .eventually proceeding to strike-off your company from the Registry.

To restore your company:

  • First we need to obtain a report from the companies registry to obtain details of the latest filings, and establish what fees are owed to the companies registry.
  • The companies registry also have a reinstatement fee which must also be paid.
  • The registered agent of your company will also need to be paid any outstanding fees owed.
  • We can assist with the whole process, please contact us to find our fee for this service.
  • We can then become your registered agent and ensure that your company is kept in good standing through payment of the annual government fee and filing of annual documents
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