BVI Starting a Business

BVI Step by Step Guide to starting a Business

BVI Key points

  • Timescale: Your company will be incorporated in as little as 2-3 days
  • Director: One director of any nationality is required
  • Shareholders: One required of any nationality
  • Share Capital: No minimum share capital required
  • Accounts: No public record is held
  • Confidentiality: Names of the directors and shareholders do not appear on public record
  • Support: Using our 20 years experience, we guide you through every step of the company formation process

First, select a name for your Offshore IBC company

  • Your offshore IBC company name must end in Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, Sociedad Anónima, Société Anonyme, or the abbreviations Ltd. Corp. Inc. S.A.
  • A company namecheck will confirm if your choice is available. Company names cannot be identical or deceptively similar to existing ones.
  • We can reserve your company name within the registry for a maximum ten days.

Ensuring the availability of your company name is included in our formation fee.

Appoint the directors of your company

  • Directors may be of any nationality
  • Your company only requires one director
  • Individuals must be 18 years of age and over
  • The names of directors do not appear on public record
  • There is no requirement to appoint a local director
  • Directors and shareholders meetings need not be held in the BVI

Select the shareholders of your offshore BVI company

  • Shareholders may be of any nationality and reside anywhere
  • Your company requires a minimum of one shareholder
  • Corporate shareholders are permitted

Determine the number of shares each shareholder will have

  • Share capital can be denominated in any currency
  • Shares may be issued with or without equal value
  • No restriction on a company purchasing its own shares
  • No specified minimum paid up capital

Registered office within the British Virgin Islands

  • A BVI registered office is required for your company which we will supply

Incorporate a British Virgin Island company

We can incorporate an IBC British Virgin Island company. For information regarding our fees, please visit our prices and fees page.

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