Bahamas International Business Company (IBC)

The Bahamas is a popular offshore jurisdiction because of its political-economic stability, privacy and tax benefits from which offshore companies benefit.

Bahamas Company Formations provides extensive confidentiality for the beneficial owners and shareholders enjoy exemption from a large number of taxes and duties including income tax, capital gains tax and corporation tax.

Company Name

Company names may be in any language that uses the Latin alphabet and must end with the suffix ltd, Corp, GmbH or similar. All company names are subject to approval and once approved may be reserved for 10 days. Certain words, such as those suggesting governmental or country patronage, are restricted.

Registered Office

All companies must have a registered office. The office must be a physical address in the Bahamas where all official company correspondence may be served. We are able to provide a registered address alongside our incorporation package.


A Bahamas company formation requires only one director and there are no restrictions on the director’s nationality or residency.


Only one shareholder is required and this may also be the company director. The shareholder may be an individual or a corporate entity and there are no restrictions on nationality or residency. If the beneficial owners wish to remain anonymous then nominee shareholders are permitted.

Share Capital

The minimum capital is two shares of par or no par value. Duty is paid on the amount of share capital and the maximum capital, paying the minimum duty, is USD$50,000. If you invest a higher capital then a higher annual share duty fee is payable.

File Requirements

There are no requirements to produce or file financial statements, accounts, tax returns or annual returns.


Once all of the incorporation information has been received it takes only three days to fully incorporate an IBC in the Bahamas

Bahamas Company Formation Fees

We offer an all inclusive Bahamas Company Incorporation Service

Bahamas IBC Company Formation

  • Reserving your Company Name
  • Liaising with the local registrar and relevant authorities
  • Structuring the company as per your requirements
  • Prepare your Company Registration Forms
  • Drafting the Articles of Association / Statutes
  • File the documents with the Registrar General’s Department
  • Appoint the Directors
  • Minutes appointing first Directors
  • Preparation of the first minutes of Board Meeting
  • Initial Government licence fee (US$350)
  • Tax Exemption Certificate fee (US$175)
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Issue of shares and production of Share Certificates
  • All documents and certificates supplied in a professional folder
  • Delivery of documents by FedEx / DHL courier
Additional Services
Company Administration & Registered Office (required)£800
Company Secretary (if required)£550
Annual Renewal Fees
Annual Government License Fee – US$350 All Bahamas companies become due for renewal at the registry on the 31st December of the year following the year of incorporation.£250
Company Administration

  • Provision of the Registered Office and Registered Agent in the Bahamas
  • Compliance with local domicile requirements
  • Maintaining statutory records
  • Statutory Due-Diligence
  • 12 months basic consultation
  • Ensuring that your company is kept in good standing through payment of the annual government fee and filing of annual documents
Maintenance of Director Register£175
Tax Exemption Certificate – US$175£130


Your company will be incorporated using your chosen name and we will ensure that the procedure is as simple as possible.

The whole incorporation process can be completed online and we will administer the preparation and filing of all registration forms on your behalf.

Proof of Identity

As part of our due diligence we require proof of identity in the form of a passport copy for all directors and shareholders of the company


There is no requirement to visit the Bahamas in order to incorporate an IBC.

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